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Shengyang Wu, Esq
New York
New York
Shenyang Wu is a founding partner of Alpha Law. His practice focuses on personal injury litigation and investigation involving pedestrian, motor vehicle accidents, construction injuries, premises liability, and article 78 actions against municipalities. Mr. Wu also has experience in labor and employment, and dispute resolution of construction law.
Before founding Alpha Law, Mr. Wu was a Counsel for Caesar and Napoli, a premium plaintiff firm in Lower Manhattan, New York. He pursued justice for his clients in all supreme courts of five boroughs.
Mr. Wu is admitted to New York State and is a member of New York State Bar. He is also a member of American Association of Justice. He serves as a Co-Chair of Solo and Small Practice Committee in New York County Lawyer Association, and as a panelist of legal referral services in Asian American Bar Association of New York.
In addition, Mr. Wu is an active member of his community, offering pro bono legal services since the very first day of his practice. During the pandemic of COVID-19, Mr. Wu's active pro bono service for underserved minorities, both Remote and In-Person, was recognized by New York Law Journal. He was selected as one of 27 Rising Star Honorees in the year of 2021 through the whole New York State. Mr. Wu is also a trustee of the U.S. WeChat Users Alliance in its federal case vs. Trump. 488 F.Supp.3d 912 (N.D. Cal. 2020).
Mr. Wu graduated from the East China University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree in law and earned his postgraduate degree from William & Mary Law School in the United States. He is a licensed attorney in New York and has the right to appear in the Eastern District of New York federal court. Mr. Wu serves as the Co-Chair of the Small Law Firm Committee of the Queens County Bar Association, is a recommended personal injury lawyer by the New York Asian American Bar Association, and is a lawyer fee arbitrator in the Queens County Court.
Personal Injury, Investigation
William & Mary Law School - LL.M.
New York
Catherine Xuehui Jiang, Esq
Catherine Jiang is the founder of Jiang Law Firm, PLLC. Her legal practice encompasses personal injury, business law, immigration law, wills, and trusts. She has handled nearly a thousand personal injury cases, securing millions of dollars in compensation for her clients, particularly in large-scale accident litigation cases.
Ms. Jiang places great emphasis on empathy, transparency, and effective client communication as the cornerstones of her legal practice. She is passionate about community service and currently holds positions as Administrative Law Judge for the Personnel Board of Mesa, Arizona, council member of the Phoenix Sister Cities Commission, member of the American Bar Association, Arizona Trial Lawyers Association, and Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, as well as a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She has also served as an Executive Director of the Asian Bar Association of Arizona, Secretary of the International Law Section of the State Bar of Arizona, Secretary of the Immigration Section of the State Bar, and a member of the Mesa Redistricting Advisory Committee.
Ms. Jiang started her academic journey in the Department of Physics at Jilin University, then she studied Economics at Seoul National University, gained her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Birmingham, and Juris Doctor degree from the University of Arizona Law School. She is licensed to practice law in both Arizona and Oregon. Personally fluent in English, Mandarin, and Korean. Her team is able to communicate with clients in eight different languages, ensuring a high level of service for a diverse clientele.
Personal Injury, Immigration, Estate and Trust
University of Arizona Law School - J.D.
Arizona, Oregon
Xiaowei Li, Esq
San Jose
Ms. Xiaowei Li is the founder of Rui Attorneys, which is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, California. She specializes in areas such as asset management, trusts, and estate tax planning. With years of experience serving clients in the Chinese-speaking community, Xiaowei possesses a deep understanding of the needs of Chinese clients in estate planning and family legacy, particularly excelling in areas like guardianship for minors, corporate business interests, international inheritance tax, equity for high-tech professionals, and the inheritance of financial and insurance assets.
Ms. Li is familiar with legal systems in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. She holds dual bachelor's degrees in law and economics from Wuhan University in China, a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from the University of Iowa in the United States, and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Santa Clara University.
Assets Management, Trust, Estate Planning
Santa Clara University - J.D.
Jiangang Ou, Esq
New York
New York
Mr. Jiangang Ou is a partner at Archer & Greiner, P.C., a US mid-sized law firm with nearly two hundred attorneys and nine offices across New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas. Mr. Ou focuses on complex cross-border litigation, international arbitration, bankruptcy, the enforcement of overseas mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, and business consulting.
His services cover a wide range of industries, including alternative and renewable energy, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, oil, agriculture, and aquaculture. He represents Chinese companies doing business in or with the United States and provides legal services to American companies engaged in business with China. Mr.Ou led and handled the first cross-border bankruptcy case between China and the United States (Jianshan Solar case), and obtained the first recognition of a judgment from the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court in a Texas court.
Mr. Ou practiced law in China for nearly a decade, serving as General Counsel for a leading renewable energy company. He began his legal career at Tiance Law Firm in Hangzhou, China. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, and an LL.M. from the University of Houston. Attorney Ou is currently licensed to practice law in the states of New York and Texas and is admitted to appear before various federal courts, including the Southern District of New York, Eastern District of Texas, Western District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado. He is also admitted to practice in the United States Courts of Appeals for the Third and Eleventh Circuits.
Cross-boader Litigation, Intellectural Property, Business Consulting
University of Houston - LL.M.
New York, Texas
Chenyang Yan, Esq
San Diego
Ms.Chenyang Yan is an experienced Assets Planning and Immigration Lawyer and the founder of Rickard Law Offices based in California. She is one of the earliest Chinese-American lawyers in California to specialize in asset planning. She has a deep understanding of U.S. inheritance laws and legal matters related to inheritance taxes. Her expertise covers a wide range of financial planning services, including family trusts, irrevocable trusts, Medicaid, MediCal medical planning, probate, asset protection, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and more. She pays high attention to integrity and personalized financial planning.
Ms.Yan is licensed to practice by the California Supreme Court and is admitted to practice as an attorney in California. She holds a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, a Master of Industrial Management, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Prior to her legal career, she worked as a full-time journalist at Dalian Television Station in China and US local media.
Visa & Immigration, Assets Management
Ting Huang, Esq
New York
New York
Ms.Huang is a cross-border litigation lawyer at Seiden Law LLP's New York office. Following her studies at Xiamen University School of Law, where she achieved honors in various national debate competitions, her passion for the courtroom continues to this day. She specializes in cross-border dispute resolution, cross-border investments, securities fraud, enforcement of foreign judgments, asset recovery, equity disputes, corporate law, and provides professional advice on sanctions and export controls for her clients.
As a rising generation of Chinese litigation lawyers, Ms.Huang remains actively involved in the federal courts of New York and other states throughout the United States. She advocates in motions and court trials, providing defense for her clients. In just a short span of three months, from June to September 2023, Attorney Huang, as one of the lead attorneys, secured verdicts totaling over a billion U.S. dollars for her clients in various litigation cases, including trial judgments, appellate judgments, and summary judgment rulings. Notably, she successfully persuaded a New York State court judge to hear a China-to-U.S. cross-border lawsuit against the Chinese "hedge fund giant" Han Xueyuan, who had absconded to the United States. The court recognized its jurisdiction over the case and applied Chinese civil law and relevant U.S. law in the proceedings.
Ms. Huang holds a master's degree from Boston University School of Law and a bachelor's degree in law from Xiamen University, with a minor in mathematical economics from the Wang Yanan Institute. In addition to her legal practice in New York, she has choreographed and danced for the opening act of Coldplay, organized solo art exhibitions, provided legal assistance to children facing domestic violence and oppression, and was invited to participate in high-level discussions on African energy development and industrial transformation at the United Nations Headquarters in 2023. She has also been recognized as a "Rising Star" in the 2023 edition of the "Super Lawyers" magazine by Thomson Reuters in New York City.
Cross-boader Litigation
Boston University School of Law- LL.M.
New York
欧建刚律师是阿切尔律师事务所(Archer & Greiner,P.C.)的合伙人。阿切尔律师事务所是美国一家有近两百名律师的中型律师事务所,在纽约州、新泽西州、宾夕法尼亚州、特拉华州和得克萨斯州设有9个办公室。欧建刚律师专注于复杂的跨境诉讼、国际仲裁、破产、外国判决和仲裁裁决的执行以及并购、知识产权、商业咨询等领域。他的服务涉及广泛的行业,包括替代和可再生能源、制造业、制药、医疗器械、石油、农业和水产养殖等。他代表与美国或在美国开展业务的中国公司,并为与中国或在中国开展业务的美国公司提供法律服务。欧律师曾主导、代理中美跨境破产第一案(尖山光电案),上海第一中级人民法院院判决在德州法院第一次获得承认案。
李晓薇律师和她任创始合伙人的睿骋律师事务所(Rui Attorneys)位于美国加州硅谷中心,专精于资产规划、信托、遗产税规划等领域。晓薇律师有多年服务于华语地区客户的经验,对于华人客户的遗产规划和家族传承需要有深入认知,尤其善于规划未成年人监护权、公司商业利益、国际人士遗产税、高科技从业者股份以及金融保险资产传承等领域。
晓薇律师熟悉中国、香港特别行政区、新加坡和台湾的法律体系,在中国 武汉大学获得法学和经济学的双学士学位、在美国爱荷华大学获得法学硕士学位 (LL.M.)、在圣塔克拉拉大学获得法学博士学位(J.D.)。
阎晨阳律师是美国加州资深的资产规划和移民律师,是瑞克德律师事务所(Rickard Law Offices)的创办人。阎律师是加州最早从事资产规划业务的华人律师之一,熟悉美国继承法和有关遗产税及赠与税方面的法律,精办家庭信托、不可撤销信托、Medicaid、MediCal 医疗规划,遗嘱认证(Probate)、资产保护、婚前婚后协议等财产规划业务。诚信、为客人量身定做财产计划及服务是阎律师的准则。阎律师具有加州最高法院执业资格,是加州出庭律师,持有法学博士(J.D.)、工业管理学硕士、工程学士学位;在其从事律师工作之前,曾分别在中国大连电视台和美国当地的媒体担任专职记者。
吴圣洋(Shengyang Wu)律师是爱法律师事务所(Alpha Law LLC)的创始合伙人,擅长人身伤害诉讼和调查,包括行人和机动车事故、建筑伤害、房屋责任以及针对纽约市政府的第 78 条诉讼。此外,吴律师在劳动法和建筑纠纷解决方面也具有宝贵经验。
在成立爱法律师事务所之前,吴律师任职于纽约市著名的原告律师事务所 Caesar and Napoli 。他热衷于为客户伸张正义,还致力于服务社区、参与法律援助。他在 COVID-19 大流行期间对少数族裔的杰出奉献得到了《纽约法律杂志》(New York Law Journal)的认可,并被授予 2021 年全纽约州 27 位新星之一的荣誉。吴律师还是美国微信用户联盟状告特朗普政府一案的五位华裔发起律师之一。
吴律师本科毕业于中国华东政法大学法学院,研究生毕业于美国威廉玛丽法学院,持有纽约州律师执照,具有纽约东区联邦法院的出庭资格。吴律 师是纽约郡律师协会中小律所委员会共同主席、纽约亚美律师协会推荐意外伤害律师、纽约市皇后区法院律师费用仲裁员。
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